Omission, miscalculation in APPSCCE results


Finally the APPSC has declared the APPSCCE 2020 mains result after six months.

I would like to congratulate all the 141 candidates who have qualified for the interview. However, I believe that there has been serious omission and miscalculation in the result notification.

Firstly, only 141 candidates have been selected for the interview, whereas the APPSCCE 2020 rules mandates a ratio of 1:3 for the number of available posts to candidates, which means there should have been at least 300 candidates qualified for the interview round.

In the UPSC, the minimum qualifying marks required for each paper in the mains is only 10 percent and not 33 percent, which many may assume so. It is my reasonable belief that most of the candidates must have secured at least the 10 percent qualifying marks besides the one required for the English paper. And since the APPSC has adopted the UPSC pattern, I believe they must be adhering to this rule also.

Therefore, I humbly opine that there has been some sort of serious mistake and miscalculation on the part of the commission and hence the respected authority is requested to be transparent and answer the doubts that have been justly raised by the candidates.

A candidate