My Arunachal is smart

Ever since the capital was announced for smart city in 2017, I envisioned the best, but it seems that it has an adjoining blur mosaic of time flying. The stretch of extremely long distance NH, say 20 kms length, takes a man’s promise and a compromise for quality, and the other half doesn’t consider their inefficiency.
Where hundreds of personal and movable property losses follows a ‘black hole’ as termed by them, enjoying the comfy chair and public fear with the bass hitting hard, and a sudden leap of excitement with hoardings of self-fame for a fortunate case.
Where a coin lost its significant worth, creating a separate currency value $ 1 = Rs 1 set by the local market as default and the administration appreciating the inflation of their failure.
However, the best I could appreciate myself is building a fortune over again in the coming of every 5th year and participating in the game so-called ‘blame game’ shouting ‘development’ till the throat surrenders. In a tragic situation, some called me hypocrite of protest because I didn’t spare the representative of my own kind.
Where do we stand, the denizens of Arunachal? How far have we moved on with that same hair, doing the worst to yourself and expecting a building to hold you on when you destroyed its base.
A good citizen can make a good state and a bad citizen can make a bad state.
How good a citizen are you?
Nabam Julius,
New Delhi