Don’t push the APPSC

Editor, The APPSC is not the UPSC. It has nowhere near the manpower; hence it is no surprise that it takes longer to declare the...

Follow Raj Dharma while resolving Chakma Hajong Issue

Dear Editor, Chakma National Council of India (CNCI) the apex organization spearheading the rights of the Chakmas in India has urged the Chief Minister of...

Appoint DTOs and TIOs

Dear Editor, Establishment of large number of industries in Arunachal Pradesh may not be possible due to topographical constraint, but the state can make rapid...

Democracy and election propaganda

Dear Editor, India is the largest democracy in the world, and our constitution is an amalgamation of all the stable democracies that existed around the...

Clarification on failed chemistry paper of JNC

Dear Editor, This is in reference to the news regarding the number of students that failed in 3rd Semester Chemistry examination of JNC, Pasighat. Few points...

Do not introduce district-wise quota

Dear Editor, The APSSB was established to conduct fair and impartial competitive exams for various C and D grade services, ensuring a way to select...

A ray of hope

Dear Editor, The written exam for JE, Civil is scheduled on 8th and 9th June. This is the first time APPSC will conduct JE exam...

Lynchings and fake encounters are symptoms of lack of faith in the rule the...

Dear Editor, This is in response to your editorial, ‘Make legal justice system strong’ (7 December, 2019). Lynchings and fake encounters are the signatures of...