Do you know someone who is dependent on narcotic substance/drugs ?

Comments from readers: - 1. It's not suitable to say their names... but there are many friends of mine who are addicted to narcotics. 2. Drug problem is becoming rampant. Youngsters, both boys and girls, are seen indulging in it mostly in the form of bhaang or cannabis. They perceive it...

Are you satisfied with the composition of the new state cabinet?

Comments from readers: - 1. With no woman in the cabinet, it is far from being satisfactory. Patriarchy overloaded! 2. No equal representation; some tribes have been given three and others zero. The portfolios have also not been equally distributed, based on the location and the importance of the portfolios. 3. No....

Self-defence training should be imparted to schoolgirls in the state as part of the...

Agree 545 Votes (93.80%) Disagree 36 Votes (6.20%)    

Are you satisfied with the performance of Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission?

Comments: 1. Oh, come on! That's a good joke. APPSC and efficiency are a metaphor of night and day. Satisfaction from them is nowhere even a valid question. 2. The APPSC has not been ale to conduct a single exam freely and fairly in spite of it being the epitome of...

Arunachal Pradesh Police should start a special recruitment drive for women.

Agree 360 Vote (80.4%) Disagree 88 Vote 19.6%

Are community-based organizations relevant in our state?

Comments from readers: - 1. Community-based organisations are the greatest dividers of the Arunachalee society. The so-called tribe-based and clan-based organisations should be discouraged and all-round district-based or circle-based organisations should be encouraged, which would include people form every section of the society, irrespective of tribe, clan, gender, etc. 2. It...

Do you agree with the resolution of the Arunachal state legislative assembly to seek...

Yes 322 Votes (52.7%) No 223 Votes (36.5%) I don’t know 66 Votes (10.8%)

The newly laid NH 415 won’t withstand the monsoon rains.

Agree 674 Votes (91.33%) Disagree 64 Votes (8.67%)

First-year master’s degree students should not be included to vote in the upcoming AAPSU...

Agree Vote 117 (36.8%) Disagree Vote 201 (63.2%)  

Is the involvement of underground elements in elections a threat to the state’s future?

  Comments from readers: - 1. Ironically, UG elements were brought into action in Arunachal by our selfish politicians back in the 1990s. Because of their greed for power and throne, the poor public is still suffering and this is going to continue forever. Even this time, some of the power-hungry...

Parking on both sides of the highway should be stopped.

Yes 545 Vote (86.1%) No 69 Vote (10.9%) Not sure 19 Vote (3%)  

The state and central governments should cut tax on petrol and diesel.

Agree 415 Votes (90.02%) Disagree 46 Votes (9.98%)  

Will you vote for money or the party ideology during the panchayat and municipal...

Yes 83 Votes (33.20%) No 118 Votes (47.20%) I don’t know 49 Votes (19.60%)